Lunghezza 329 mm. Altezza 227 mm. Larghezza 52 mm. Le corelline le piccoline di casa corel modellismo, facilissime da montare. Quattro modelli navali presentati in una simpatica scatola di montaggio. Il kit è curato nei minimi particolari, legno e materiali ben rifiniti e di ottima qualità.
CONTENTS MODEL KIT SPANISH SHIP OF THE LINE SANTÍSIMA TRINIDAD With a 100% new design of the model after the work of our professional team of modelers, the wooden model vessel kit of the famous Spanish ship of the line Santísima Trinidad at 1:84 scale is a must on the collection of ship replicas of any expert modeler. For its creation, we have studied the plan found in Saint Petersburg and the monograph by Joaquín Rodríguez Crespo, with unprecedented historical fidelity. This model accurately represents what the ship looked like at the end of its life, at the Battle of Trafalgar, with the correct artillery. It is a perfect miniature of the flagship of the Spanish Navy. The modeler can find in this new edition Trafalgar 1805 kit parts of the highest quality even in solid wood: 14 sheets of precision lasercut plywood made of basswood and 6 spectacular photo-etched plates in brass with parts such as lanterns, railings or details of the canyons. Also, 10 packs of strips and rods, and American oak veneer. All blocks and deadeyes for the rigging are prefabricated. Brass rods and tubes are included too. Likewise, be surprised by the incredible number of 18 pre-sewn sails made of cotton fabric -ready to be placed-, cotton threads, translucent acetates, adhesive flags in textured fabric and, as a gift so that the model is perfectly exposed, like a jewel of naval modeling that it is, a wooden exhibition base with a metal name plate. For its assembly, you have a QR code that, when you scan it with your mobile or tablet, takes you to the product sheet of Santísima Trinidad on our website, where you can freely download the instructions, which are completely redesigned: clarifying step-by-step photos (more than 800 pages on digital format, not on paper), as well as 10 demo videos -click here to watch them- with some of the most important steps. No printed instructions available. It includes two printed posters: one with the 1:1 scla model and another with the parts list and sails identification.
Serie Corel Line H.M.S. Mayflower kit di montaggio in legno Corel SM103 1/140 Lunghezza 330 mm. Altezza 200 mm. Larghezza 52 mm.
H.M.S. Bounty Serie Corel Line kit di montaggio in legno Corel SM104 scala 1:130 colla omaggio Serie Corel Line H.M.S. Bounty kit di montaggio in legno Corel SM104 1/130 Lunghezza 330 mm. Altezza 250 mm. Larghezza 55 mm.
This model represents a Viking ship found in year 1880 near village Gokstad in Norway. The ship was built in second half of ninth century. Excellent nautical ability of the ship was demonstrated in the year 1893 when a replica built by Magnus Anderson took a journey from Norway to USA. Total length of the ship was 24m. A keel and planks were made from oak wood. The ship was propelled by 32 oars and one rectangular sail. Caratteristiche tecniche del prodotto: - Scala: 1:35 - Lunghezza: 610 mm - Larghezza: 270 mm - Altezza: 370 mm
Cod: OCC_14003 Scala 1:80 L 740mm/H 325mm/W 150mm Il battello a vapore Mississipi viene definito il re dell'omonimo fiume, lungo circa 4000km che sfocia nel Golfo del Messico e che è forse il più famoso del mondo. Si può dire che andare a New Orleans e non fare una crociera su questo battello equivale ad aver visitato la città solo su cartolina. E' un battello spinto dalle due grandi caratteristiche pare che resterà impresso nella mente del turista perchè solo in tal modo potrà assaporare l'atmosfera di questa mitica città e lo farà al caldo ritmo di musica jazz suonata dal vivo. Questo bellissimo vascello Missisipi della Occre è una barca molto dettagliata è la riproduzione fedele all' originale. La sua principale caratteristica è la pala o ruota posta dietro la barca che la spinge
Informazioni generali Produttore [Artesania Latina](https://www.super-hobby.it/manufacturers/Artesania-Latina.html) Codice prodotto ART20415 Peso: 2.21 kg Ean: 8421426204155 Aggiunto al catalogo: 25.11.2015 Discover the Sanson, a wooden model kit of this tug from the 1930s. Equipped with a powerful 2000 horsepower steam boiler, it could develop a speed of 14 knots while coming to the rescue of much larger ships. Guided by our detailed step by step instructions you can complete your model of this impressive vessel. Halfway through the nineteenth century, sailing experienced a great revolution, mainly due to the implantation of mechanical propulsion. As a consequence, vessels are gradually increased their size and movement. In the process they lost the ease with which they used to maneuver in harbors. Thus the tug was born, a new type of ship of small tonnage and shallow draft but with more than enough driving force and maneuverability to assist ships much larger than themselves. Build your 1/50 scale model of the Sanson, a classic tug for high-seas towage. Its construction system using false keel and frames brings the assembly of your model closer to the construction of the actual ship. The model includes laser cut board pieces, hardwood, brass, die-cast and fabric. For the assembly you can follow our complete full-color step by step guide in 4 languages, accompanied by real-scale drawings of the ship.
PRINS WILLEM Corel: kit di montaggio in legno SM40 PRINS WILLEM Corel: kit di montaggio in legno SM40 modellino in scala 1:100 fu probabilmente la più grande nave a poppa quadra appartenente alla Compagnia Olandese delle Indie Orientali. Allestita a Middleburg negli anni 1649-1650, fu successivamente modificata per l’impiego come unità da guerra. Oltre alla demolizione del castello e della paratia di poppa vennero aggiunte sei bocche da fuoco, praticando 3 nuovi portelli per lato a prua. Per un breve periodo la PRINS WILLEM servì come nave ammiraglia del celebre Ammiraglio Witte de Witt. Riconsegnata successivamente alla Compagnia la nave, tra il 1653 e il 1660, operò di nuovo sulle rotte commerciali con le Indie. Il nostro modello costituisce la rappresentazione particolareggiata e fedele della nave attrezzata dalla Compagnia delle Indie Orientali per il traffico commerciale. La Scatola di montaggio è realizzata con legname di qualità, accessori e minuterie ben rifiniti in conclusione è un modello navale di media difficoltà con piani di costruzione in multilingua.